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New State of the Art microscopes

Congratulations to Dr. Hemali Rathnayake (PI) and her Department of Nanoscience colleagues Tetyana Ignatova, Suzanne Ahmed, Kerui Wu, Eric Josephs, and Jianjun Wei, who have just received a grant from the U.S. Department of Defense HBCU/MI Opportunities program for the purchase of a state-of-the-art 3D super-resolution microscope for imaging of live cells.  The ZEISS Elyra 7 microscope, worth close to $800K, includes Lattice Dual Iterative Structured Illumination (SIM2) and Single Molecule Localization (SMLM) systems, and will allow the study of structural features in biological systems with a resolution down to 60 nm.

In related newsDr. Jianjun Wei is also a co-PI in a grant (~$700K), led by Dr. Peng He (Dept. of Chemistry, NC A&T) and funded by the same DoD HBCU/MI Opportunities program mentioned above, for the acquisition of a Correlative Raman-AFM microscope.  The Oxford Instruments WITec alpha300 RA combined Raman-AFM microscope incorporates the features of a Raman microscope for powerful chemical imaging along with the key capabilities of an AFM for high-resolution nanoscale surface characterization.