News & Events

NNCO & ARO Visit the JSNN

Nanotechnology was on the spotlight at the JSNN on November 21st.  A delegation from the National Nanotechnology Coordination Office (NNCO), led by Director Branden Brough and Deputy Director Quinn Spadola, and representatives from the Army Research Office (ARO), visited the JSNN for an exciting daylong event that included several oral presentations, two panels discussing career insights and personal experiences in the field of nanotechnology, a networking lunch for all attendees, an informal conversation with JSNN faculty, and a well-attended poster session.

The NNCO, based in Washington, DC, promotes public engagement on behalf of the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) and its activities include engaging with the nanotechnology community, sharing information on available resources and opportunities, and sharing information about advances in nanotechnology research and applications.  For additional information, see:

The ARO, based in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, manages the Army’s extramural research program, which provides funding for more than 1,100 researchers at some 250 universities across the country and around the world.  For additional information, See: