News & Events

JSNN Alumni and Faculty Recognized as Achievers, Leaders

Dr. Hemali Rathnayake and Dr. Sheeba Dawood in the lab. They are creating a filter to gather lithium from wastewater produced by the petroleum industry. For more information;

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Dr. Kyle Nowlin, JSNN’s Advanced Microscopy Guru

Advanced microscopy comprises an array of imaging techniques that enable the visualization of samples at the nanometer and subnanometer scale.  Electron and scanning probe microscopy techniques such as SEM, TEM, and AFM are essential tools to many students at the JSNN who conduct research in fields as diverse as synthetic biology, physics, and materials science.  Enter Dr. Kyle […]

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Dr. Michael Curry Named the CEE&I Faculty Fellow

Congratulations to Dr. Michael Curry, Professor in the Department of Nanoengineering, who has been appointed as the inaugural Tech Transfer & Commercialization Fellow at N.C. A&T’s Center of Excellence in Entrepreneurship and Innovation (CEE&I).  The Center is the university’s hub for entrepreneurship and innovation and combines the innovative ideas and research discoveries made at N.C. A&T […]

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NNCO & ARO Visit the JSNN

Nanotechnology was on the spotlight at the JSNN on November 21st.  A delegation from the National Nanotechnology Coordination Office (NNCO), led by Director Branden Brough and Deputy Director Quinn Spadola, and representatives from the Army Research Office (ARO), visited the JSNN for an exciting daylong event that included several oral presentations, two panels discussing career insights and personal experiences […]

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NSF ARC-HBCU Grant to Curry & Dumas

Congratulations to Department of Nanoengineering faculty members Michael Curry and Jerald Dumas, and their partners at six additional historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs), for receiving a three-year, $3 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to enhance semiconductor research and workforce development.  The collaborative project is part of “Advancing Research Capacity at HBCUs through Exploration and Innovation […]

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A Top 2% Researcher at the JSNN

Congratulations to Dr. Yirong Mo, Professor and Chair in the Department of Nanoscience, for being recognized as a highly cited author.  In a report released last month by Elsevier, based on data from Scopus, the Dutch publisher’s abstract and citation database, Dr. Mo appeared in the top 2% of cited authors across all scientific, technical, and […]

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JSNN Job Openings

JSNN is Looking for an Outstanding Individual to Join the Team in this crucial role. Director of Research Operations and Environmental Health and Safety. The major role of this position is to oversee all operations at JSNN related to research activities conducted by faculty, Research Staff, and students. The role will be responsible for developing, managing, and […]

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Sam Oliveira, DARPA Young Faculty Awardee

Congratulations to Department of Nanoengineering Assistant Professor Sam Oliveira, who has recently been recognized with a prestigious Young Faculty Award from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) of the US Department of Defense, charged with developing emerging technologies for use by the military.  Significantly, it is the first time ever that a faculty member affiliated […]

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New State of the Art microscopes

Congratulations to Dr. Hemali Rathnayake (PI) and her Department of Nanoscience colleagues Tetyana Ignatova, Suzanne Ahmed, Kerui Wu, Eric Josephs, and Jianjun Wei, who have just received a grant from the U.S. Department of Defense HBCU/MI Opportunities program for the purchase of a state-of-the-art 3D super-resolution microscope for imaging of live cells.  The ZEISS Elyra 7 microscope, […]

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JSNN’s 15th Anniversary Celebration

A special event on April 4th marked the 15th anniversary of the Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering.  It has been quite a ride, and its faculty have published more than 500 peer-reviewed journal articles, received over $30 million in external grants and contracts, and been issued over 20 patents since its founding in 2009.  Equally important, […]

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