JSNN Education and Outreach upcoming events

MRS Undergraduate Research Studio- October 21, 2023
Geared towards undergraduates interested in research careers, this workshop is an opportunity to learn about advanced research techniques, graduate school life, and network with current graduate students. The workshop will also include a session in which participants will be guided through creating a resume and a tour of the Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering.
JSNN education and Outreach
Nanoscience and nanoengineering deal with structures that are invisible to the human eye, but their potential to improve our daily lives and make our world safer and more productive is enormous. The Joint School of Nanoscience and Engineering (JSNN) works every day to discover the incredible potential of nanoscience.
JSNN’s mission is to introduce students and the community to these exciting fields, helping to create opportunities for the scientists of the future in nanoscience and nanoengineering. JSNN works closely with the Piedmont Triad community to create and strengthen opportunities for economic and academic growth through its outreach and engagement activities.
Interested in arranging a visit from a JSNN professor to your classroom, or a tour of our facilities?
Complete an Outreach Request Form using the blue button below or contact Dr. Daniel Herr at djherr@uncg.edu. We look forward to working with your school or community group.

rise to Nano:
K-12 and Community Outreach
The Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, along with our collaborators and partners in higher education and industry, is addressing some of the most critical issues, problems and opportunities facing our society. Our success depends on a constant influx of bright young minds. Raising interest in and creating excitement about science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) is critical if the United States is to continue to be a world leader in science and technology.
JSNN is dedicated to supporting schools and encouraging young students to focus on areas aligned with STEM through Rise to Nano. We’re especially engaged in educating young people about the interesting and exciting career opportunities in STEM-related fields involving nanoscience and nanoengineering. For our region, state and nation to prosper, we must be at the forefront of the development of these new technologies. We’re committed to playing a lead role in the efforts to ignite passion for STEM in our youth.
JSNN works with Piedmont Triad schools on STEM initiatives and other outreach projects. Faculty and students of JSNN are available to make presentations to science and mathematics classes, to discuss the relevance of nanoscience and nanoengineering in our daily lives, to demystify nanoscience, and most importantly to engage, excite and inspire the Triad’s future scientists and leaders!
Our Rise to Nano team makes visits to schools and community events each semester, where our graduate students demonstrate and explain scientific experiments to the students.
JSNN’s facilities are open to school field trips and visits. Our state-of-the-art research facilities, laboratories and equipment are available for students to experience first-hand and engage their imagination. Nanoscience and nanoengineering are exciting, innovative, fast-growing fields, and we’re excited to share all the possibilities with the next generations of scientists, innovators and educators.
The mission of the Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering is to train students to conduct basic and applied research in nanoscience and nanoengineering and to work closely with the Piedmont Triad community to help enhance opportunities for economic development.
As part of its academic outreach and workforce training efforts, JSNN’s internship program recruits students from local community colleges, including Guilford Technical Community College (GTCC), Forsyth Technical Community College (FTCC), and Alamance Community College (ACC). Students work with JSNN professionals on a variety of real-world nanotechnology problems.
JSNN’s internship program is offered in two formats—10 hours per week for 16 weeks, or 20 hours per week for 8 weeks—to accommodate class schedules. JSNN hosts groups of students from GTCC and FTCC during the Fall and Spring semesters and beyond as part of its commitment to creating jobs.

Nano education Resources
Follow the links below to learn more about nano education resources through the Southeastern Nanotechnology Infrastructure Corridor (SENIC)