Michael Curry

Michael Curry, Ph.D.
- Professor, Nanoengineering
- 209-D
- (336) 285-2707
- mlcurry@ncat.edu
About Professor Curry
Dr. Curry is a Professor in the Nanoengineering department. His lab research focuses on the extraction, modification, and application of nanocellulose to develop biodegradable materials that can replace synthetic polymeric products reducing their negative impact on climate change. His lab has developed several breakthrough methods for processing and applying nanocellulose as fillers in polymer composites, leading to several patented technologies. Further, Curry has made a far-reaching impact in STEM education by establishing infrastructure, partnerships, and educational platforms to recruit diverse students and prepare them for STEM careers. His efforts in science and promoting diversity in STEM careers have earned him numerous accolades.
Selected Publications
- Ethridge, A., Findley, D., and Curry, M. “A Multifunctional Benchtop Nanoreactor Design for High-Throughput Synthesis of Complex Metallic Nanoparticles” (US Patent No. 11,878,914 B2, Granted in 2024)
- White, D. H. and Curry, M. “Nanocellulosic Compositions” (U.S. Patent No. 11,084,907 B2, Granted in 2021)
- Curry, M., Bonner, C., Stubbs, D., and Payne, N. J., “Advancing Research at the Nation’s 101 HBCUs and Their Role in Maintaining the Nation’s Competitiveness in Science and Technology” Accounts of Chemical Research 2023, 56 (11), 1251-1252.
- Kinnebrew, A., Vincent, S., and Curry, M. Isolation, Oxidation, and Application of Crystalline-Pristine Cellulose: Natural Products That Could End Plastic Waste Accounts of Chemical Research 2023, 56 (11), 1340-1349.
- Ethridge, A., Gallagher M. J., Hudson-Smith, N. J., Findley, D., Fairbrother, H., Hamers, R., Haynes, C., and Curry, M. “A Facile Benchtop Reactor Design using Dendrimer-templating Technology for the Fabrication of PEI-coated Cu Nanoparticles on the Gram-Scale” Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films 2019, 37, (Feature Article)
- Crews, K., Huntley, C., Cooley, D., and Curry, M. “Cellulose Influence on ABS Plastic Composites” International Journal of Polymer Science 2016, 2016, pp 1-10.
- Huntley, C.; Crews, K.; Abdalla, M.; Russell, A.; Curry, M. Influence of Strong Acid Hydrolysis Processing on the Thermal Stability and Crystallinity of Cellulose Isolated from Wheat Straw (International Journal of Chemical Engineering 2015, 2015, pp 1-11.
- Huntley, C.; Crews, K.; Curry, M. Chemical Functionalization of Cellulose Extracted from Wheat Straw using Acid Hydrolysis Methodologies International Journal of Polymer Science 2015, 2015, pp 1-9.
Selected Honors & Awards
- 2024 National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicines Roundtable Panelists: Inventorship, Entrepreneurship, and Systems for Nurturing Black People in Applied and Translation Fields.
- 2023 Cover Feature: Exeleon Magazine, Creating a Lasting Impact – Black History Month
- 2023 Lead Guest Editor: ACS Accounts of Chemical Research Special Issue Research at HBCUs
- 2022 The Top 100 Magazine: Selection among Top 100 Innovators and Entrepreneurs
- 2022 Invited Speaker: American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, Chicago, IL. Investigation of the Thermal, Mechanical, and Biodegradable Properties of Nanocellulose-impregnated Polymer Composites: A Direct Method of Fabrication
- 2021 Award: National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE) HBCU Pioneer Award.
- 2019 Featured Journal Publication: A Facile Benchtop Reactor Design using Dendrimer-templating Technology for the Fabrication of PEI-coated Cu Nanoparticles on the Gram-Scale (Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A)
Classes Taught
NANO 668 – Technology Transfer and Commercialization
NANO 854 – Nanomaterials Laboratory
NANO 885 – Instrumentation NanoCharacterizaton
NANO 994 – Doctoral Supervised Research
Surface Chemistry, Thin Films, Mechanical and Thermal Characterization, Structural Characterizations, Nanochemistry, Nanocomposites, Nanocellulose, Nanocoatings, Metal/Metal Oxide Nanoparticles, Catalysis, and Biorenewable Plastics