JSNN Student Accolades – 2020
JSNN is proud of the extensive accolades received by our students in 2020:

Sheeba Dawood was a finalist in the UNCG Graduate School’s “Three Minute Thesis” competition. In addition, Sheeba was selected as this year’s Jerry McGuire Student Entrepreneur of the Year! This was a very competitive group of finalists but her exceptional work in launching a spin-off company, Minerva Lithium, set her apart. (Rathnayake)
Philip Agbo received the 2020 Outstanding Junior Graduate Teaching Assistant Award. (Zhang)
Nirmalay Barua received the 2019 Most Innovative Computational Modeling Award. (Mohan)
Ingrid Padilla Espinosa received the 2019 Most Innovative Computational Modeling Award. (Mohan)
Vishwas Jadhav received the Fuselage Pilot Competition Contest Participation Award a $2,000 grant from SAMPE, and a National Science Foundation travel award. (Kelkar)
Mehul Parakh received the 2020 Outstanding Senior Graduate Research Assistant Award. (Iyer)
Atul Rawal received a NSF travel award, and he also received a Graduate Student Advisory Council Award. (Mohan)
Manish Sharma received the 2019 Council of Historically Black Graduate Schools ProQuest Dissertation Award. (Iyer)
Sahil Tahiliani won the best poster award sponsored by the Kurt J. Lesker Company. (Aravamudhan)
Ravi Tomar received the 2nd place Pilot Composite Fuselage Contest Award, and a NSF travel award. (Mohan)
Furkan Ulu received the Young Professionals Emerging Leadership Award. He also received the 2nd place award for the Pilot Composite Fuselage Contest from SAMPE, as well as a NSF travel award. (Mohan)
Adeyinka Adesina received a competitive Department of Energy internship at the Savannah River National Laboratory, to work on a project titled “Nanomaterials for Environmental Decontamination”. (Ignatova)
Parth Desai was named a Finalist for the NC Entrepreneurship Center “Two-Minutes-To-Win-It” competition. (Josephs)
Mohammad Fereydouni won the first prize at the 2019 UNCG Graduate Research Expo, in the Health Science Category. The title of his award-winning presentation was “Transformed Fat Cells Kill Breast Cancer Cells”. He also won a travel award to attend the 2020 Immunology Conference. (Kepley)
Sajedeh Pourianejad won the 2019 AFM Image Contest award at the Carolina Science Symposium. (Ignatova)
Miranda Roesing was named a Minerva Scholar, the highest recognition a doctoral student can receive at UNC Greensboro. (Josephs)
Ali Shiave received the “Most Exceptional Interdisciplinary Poster” Award at the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Micro-Nano Forum, and also received a travel award from the National Science Foundation to attend the conference. (Mohan, LaJeunesse)