Master of Science in Nanoengineering degree
About the Master’s in Nanoengineering
The Master of Science in Nanoengineering degree program is a research Master’s degree featuring coursework involving engineering at the nanoscale. It’s designed for students with a strong background in engineering who seek additional specialized training in order to find industrial or government positions in fields that utilize nanotechnology.
Program Details
The Master of Science in Nanoengineering Program is open to students with a Bachelor’s Degree in engineering, applied science or in a closely related field from recognized institutions. The course of study is comprised of 12 hours of core courses that will introduce students to fundamental concepts, methods, and discoveries in different areas of Nanoengineering, 12 credit hours of foundation courses which build on the undergraduate engineering degree ensuring appropriate depth of knowledge in the student’s discipline.
Appropriate courses will be selected with a student’s program adviser. These graduate-level courses will come from offerings at both North Carolina A&T State University and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. In addition, students will complete 6 credit hours of thesis or 3 credit hours of project work (in case of project option, students will be required to take 30 credit hours of coursework: 12 credit hours of core courses, and 18 credit hours of disciplinary foundation courses).
Program Contacts
Title | Email Address | Phone Number |
Graduate Coordinator | | (336) 285-2800 |
Department | | (336) 285-2800 |
Admission Requirements
In addition to the application materials required by NC A&T State University Graduate School, applicants must submit a personal statement indicating their interest in the program, research interests and potential faculty advisors, as well as a current Curriculum Vitae. Students may be admitted for the Fall term only. Applications will continue to be reviewed until May 31, 2021. The application deadline for the M.S. is July 1, 2021 for general admission. Qualified applicants will have an engineering or science bachelor’s degree.
Courses Included
Nanoengineering Survey Courses (12 credit hours)
Students will take four courses that will introduce them to fundamental concepts, methods, and discoveries in different areas of Nanoengineering.
These courses include the following:
- NANO701: Simulation and Modeling Methods in Nanoscience and Nanoengineering (3)
- NAN702: Fundamentals of Nanoengineering Physical Principles (3)
- NAN703: Fundamentals of Nanoengineering Chemical-Biochemical Principles (3)
- NAN704: Fundamentals of Nanomaterials (3)
Disciplinary Foundation Courses (12 credit hours)
These are courses that build on the undergraduate degree to ensure appropriate depth of knowledge in the student’s discipline. Appropriate courses will be selected with a student’s program advisor. These graduate level courses will come from offerings at both North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
Graduate Seminar, Thesis, and Project
Graduate Seminar (1 credit hour: NANO792)
Thesis or Project (6 credit hours of Thesis: NANO797; or 3 credit hours of Project: NANO796)
In case of Project option, student will be required to take 30 credit hours of course work: 12 credit hours of core courses, and 18 credit hours of disciplinary foundation courses.
NANO 701: Simulation and Modeling Methods in Nanoscience and Nanoengineering
This course covers first principles quantum based methods, classical atomistic simulation methods interatomic potentials, modeling of bulk nanostructure metals, carbon nanotubes, soft matter and multiscale modeling techniques.
Prerequisite: NONE
3 (3:0)
NANO 702: Fundamentals of Nanoengineering: Physical Principles
This course is an introduction to physical principles involved at the nanoscale due to quantum size effects, and energy band structure engineering for nanoelectronic devices.
Prerequisite: NONE
3 (3:0)
NANO 703: Fundamentals of Nanoengineering: Chemical-Biochemical Principles
This course covers chemical and bio-chemical principles involved in design, synthesis, assembly, and performance of nanomaterials and devices. Also studied are the structure and function of biomolecules and their specific roles in nano-biomolecular interactions and signaling pathways, as well as application of chemical biological detection methods at the micro and nanoscales.
Prerequisite: NONE
3 (3:0)
NANO 704: Fundamentals of Nanomaterials
The course introduces fundamentals of nanomaterials, brings in knowledge on frontiers of the rapidly developing interdisciplinary field of nanomaterials and help to develop skills to understand and communicate in the field of nano-engineering.
Prerequisite: NONE
3 (3:0)
NANO 711: Introduction to Nanoprocessing
This course introduces students to the field of nanoprocessing including basic fabrication and processing techniques to construct nanostructures and nanomaterials through both “bottom up” and “top down” strategies. Basic nanostructure characterization techniques are integrated as a start.
Prerequisite: NONE
3 (3:0)
NANO 721: Nanobioelectronics
This course introduces the emerging areas where biology, medicine, nanofabrication and electronics coverage. The course addresses fundamental concepts and current applications of biofabrication and bioelectronic devices such as biosensors, DNA electronics, protein based devices, analytical electrochemistry, biomolecular electronics, single molecule physics, BioNano machines, and biofuel cells. A special emphasis is placed on problem-based learning targeting current issues in nanobioelectronics.
Prerequisite: NANO 702 or NANO 703 or consent of instructor
3 (3:0)
NANO 731: Introduction to Nanomodeling and Applications
This graduate level course provides an introduction to nanomodeling and applications for students with background in engineering, physical, mathematical, and biological sciences focusing on atomistic and molecular dynamics modeling.
Prerequisite: NANO 701 or consent of instructor.
3 (3:0)
NANO 741: Colloidal and Molecular Self-Assembly
This course offers an introduction to self-assembly in soft matter and the associated thermodynamic and chemical principles. Topics are covered from a materials-oriented perspective and include colloidal crystals, liquid crystals, surfactants and micelles, polymers and block copolymers, and biomolecule assembly.
Prerequisite: NONE
3 (3:0)
NANO 761: Introduction of Nano Energy
The student will conduct advanced research of interest to the student and the instructor. A written proposal which outlines the nature of the project must be submitted for approval. This course is only available to project option students
Prerequisite: NONE
3 (3:0)
NANO 785: Special Topics in Nanoengineering
This course is designed to allow the introduction of potential new courses on a trial basis or special content courses on a once only basis at the Master’s level. The topic of the course and title are determined prior to registration.
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.
3 (3:0)
NANO 794: Master’s Supervised Research
This course is supervised research under the mentorship of a faculty member. It is not intended to serve as the project nor thesis topic of the master’s student
Prerequisite: Master’s level standing.
3 (3:0)
NANO 796: Master’s Project
The student will conduct advanced research of interest to the student and the instructor. A written proposal which outlines the nature of the project must be submitted for approval. This course is only available to project option students.
Prerequisite: Master’s level standing with project option.
3 (3:0)
NANO 797: Master’s Thesis
Master of Science thesis research will be conducted under the supervision of the thesis committee chairperson leading to the completion of the Master’s thesis. This course is available only to thesis option students and can be repeated.
Prerequisite: NONE
3 (3:0)
NANO 799: Continuation of Master’s Thesis
This is a continuation of NANO 797. This course is for master’s students who have completed all required credit hour requirements.
Prerequisite: Completion of all Thesis Credits.
3 (3:0)
NANO 811: Polymeric Materials Engineering
This course introduces polymer fundamentals, synthesis, structure and properties, and processing with an emphasis on applying basic knowledge in nanoengineering applications.
Prerequisite: NONE
3 (3:0)
NANO 812: Process Modeling in Composites
This course provides an overview of composites, composite manufacturing processes followed by transport equations, constitutive laws and their characterization in composite processing. Process modeling applications to specific composite manufacturing processes involving short fibers, continuous and woven fibers for processing with thermoplastic and reactive thermoset resin systems are discussed. Transport issues in the processing of polymer nanocomposites are briefly discussed.
Prerequisite: NANO 701 or consent of instructor.
3 (3:0)
NANO 821: Advanced Nanosystems
This course is designed to teach advanced nanosystems, which are a result of hierarchical assembly and integration of diverse and heterogeneous components including materials, molecules and components at the nanoscale. This course discusses the fundamental concepts and current trends in such advanced nanosystems with examples from nanoelectronic/photonic devices, organic-inorganic assemblies, biomimetic devices, bio-nano machines, biofuel cells etc. A special emphasis is placed on problem-based learning targeting current issues in nanosystem integration.
Prerequisite: NANO 721 or consent of instructor.
3 (3:0)
NANO 823: Compound Semiconductor and Nanostructure Devices
This course covers physics of compound semiconductors, application of Schrodinger equation to nanoscale structures; heteroepitaxy layered and self-assembled nanostructures. The course also discusses strain and bandgap engineering, materials and device options for advanced optoelectronic devices at the nanoscale.
Prerequisite: NANO 702 or consent of instructor.
3 (3:0)
NANO 825: Thin Film Technology for Device Fabrication
The course provides a fundamental understanding of the thin film deposition techniques and epitaxial growth of semiconductor materials. High vacuum technology and application of the deposition processes to the fabrication of heterostructure devices are also covered
Prerequisite: NANO 702 or consent of instructor.
3 (3:0)
NANO 831: Advanced Nanomodeling and Applications
This graduate level course is an advanced level treatment of atomistic and molecular modeling at nanoscale with a focus on the principles and background theory of the modeling methods and applications of relevance to crystalline, amorphous, ceramic, cementitious, and bio systems.
Prerequisite: NANO 731 or consent of the instructor.
3 (3:0)
NANO 841: Intermolecular and Surface Forces
This course covers the theory and principles of forces between molecules, particles, and surfaces typically relevant at micrometer and nanometer length scales. Topics include: detailed treatment of dispersion, polar, and electrostatic interactions; solvation, hydration and steric forces; adhesion and surface tension; and relevance to real material systems.
Prerequisite: Basic courses in thermodynamics recommended.
3 (3:0)
NANO 851: Computational Nanoscale Modeling Laboratory
This is a laboratory rotation course to expose and educate the students on computational modeling analysis and enabling technologies available for nanoscale modeling.
Prerequisite: Student in Nanoengineering/Nanoscience Ph.D. program
1 (0:1)
NANO 852: Nanoelectronics Laboratory
This is a laboratory rotation course to expose and educate the students on the equipment and tools available in the nanoelectronics laboratory.
Prerequisite: Student in Nanoengineering/Nanoscience Ph.D. program
1 (0:1)
NANO 853: Nano-Bio Electronics Laboratory
This is a laboratory rotation course to expose and educate the students on the equipment and tools available in the nano-bio electronics laboratory.
Prerequisite: Student in Nanoengineering/Nanoscience Ph.D. program
1 (0:1)
NANO 854: Nanomaterials Laboratory
This is a laboratory rotation course to expose and educate the students on the equipment and tools available in the nanomaterials laboratory.
Prerequisite: Student in Nanoengineering/Nanoscience Ph.D. program
1 (0:1)
NANO 855: Advanced Nano Laboratory
A practical and more hand-on oriented laboratory course of energy storage material and device. The laboratory course will provide hands-on experiences with the specific topics regarding advanced nanomaterials such as battery anode and cathode material for energy storage application. Student will learn how to design and synthesize energy storage material for battery and how to assemble its device and finally how to evaluate batter performance.
Prerequisite: Student in Nanoengineering/Nanoscience Ph.D. program
1 (0:1)
NANO 861: Advanced Nano Energy System
An advanced and more practical oriented course of energy storage material and system. The course will be specifically touching on what are the advanced nanomaterials on energy storage application, how to design the material and how to fabricate its device through state-of-the-art equipment. Furthermore, the course will provide how to elucidate the failure mechanism using a nanoscale fundamental analysis.
Prerequisite: NONE
3 (3:0)
NANO 885: Special Topics Nanoengineering
This course is designed to allow the introduction of potential new courses on a trial basis or special content courses on a once only basis at the doctoral level. The topic of the course and title are determined prior to registration.
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.
3 (3:0)
NANO 994: Doctoral Supervised Research
This is supervised research under the mentorship of a member of the graduate faculty. It is not intended to serve as the dissertation topic of the doctoral student. The student receives a Pass/Fail and no letter grade is given upon completion
Prerequisite: Doctoral level standing.
3 (3:0)
NANO 997: Doctoral Dissertation
This represents the supervised research leading to the dissertation for the doctoral student. The student receives a Pass/Fail grade only after the completion of the final Ph.D. oral defense.
Prerequisite: Passed NANO 995 and consent of the advisor.
3 (3:0)
NANO 999: Continuation of Dissertation
This course is for doctoral students who have completed all required dissertation credit hours. This can be repeated by the students as required. The student receives a Pass/Fail and no letter grade given upon completion.
Prerequisite: Completion of all dissertation credits in nanoengineering.
1 (1:0)